Thursday, October 25, 2007


Reactive Attachment Disorder is often diagnosed as other issues...Kiddos will often have many of the symptoms, but not all of the ones listed below...

Superficially engaging and charming
Poor reciprocal eye contact
Little conscience or empathy
Lacks genuine affection for others
Randomly affectionate with strangers but not with parents
Does not smile in return for another's
Destructive to self and others
Involved in fire setting and other property damage
Cruel to animals
Steals and lies about the obvious ("crazy lying")
Poor impulse control (acts hyperactive)
Significant learning delays
Behind in emotional and social development
Poor cause-and-effect thinking
Abnormal eating habits (gorges or hoards food)
Few and poor peer relationships
Preoccupied with gore
Chatters nonstop and asks nonsense questions
Extremely demanding or clingy

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