Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thoughts on arriving in Beijing

Well, I've made it to Beijing. Here it is about 8p Tuesday night, and it is around 4am Tuesday morning in Seattle... I'm glad to be here for a few days.

So - my thoughts on travel today:
  • Road rage turns out to be universal. As Beijing (BJ) continues to add cars, this will become more and more of an issue
  • I've heard more Christmas music today than I have in the last 4 months. The man on the plane next to me had "Ode to Joy" as his ring tone.
  • There seems to be no sun in BJ... just smog/haze/muggy hangover on the city
  • They are building at a frightening rate - I have no doubt they will be done, but with hundreds of thousands working 24/7 to get it all done

I'm also tired of seeing my blogger entry in Chinese instead of English... I want my English logon. I'd also like to view my blog, which I can't because it's blocked. I can input, but not view. Lorna - you can screen shot and send to me if you'd like. Also, I can't seem to see comments - or at least, if I can, I don't know it because my input screen is in Chinese. So, apologies to not replying to anyone. Just email me at either address and we'll be good.

It is much more expensive than the last time, although I haven't determined if I think that it is the agency or just Chinese inflation. I'm also sad to say that I don't see the standard 8rmb exchange rate for $1.

Tonight I hope to sleep well. Family - I am going on tours starting at 8:30a here in BJ tomorrow, and if I'm not online when you are, it's because of that. We'll find time and be sure that we can talk on the webcam soon. I miss you all so much girls!

OK. More later I'm sure, but for now, just rest...

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