Monday, May 5, 2008

New report of child slavery in China

Yahoo! reported last week on the latest investigation in China of child slavery. In a recent raid in Guangdong Province, hundreds of children were rescused from factories where they were being treated as virtual slaves.

I think it's interesting to consider that while these children were working unpaid for years at a time, what the economic considerations were for their parents to submit their children to such a life. Was this better than where they were? Were the economic needs of their parents so severe that selling their child was the only option?

Child slavery, child trafficking and infant abandonment all stem from one place in China - the one child policy. However, let's not think that this is a situation that is unique to China. Child trafficking and slavery, is occuring all over the world. While the press is focused on China due to changes in adoption laws, and the upcoming Olympics, we need to remember that this is not a Chinese issue, but rather a WW issue.

That being said, the attention is on China. I look forward to seeing how Beijing will respond to this latest round of press, and what steps will be taken within the country to put an end to trafficking of children.

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