Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Heading home

Well, we are heading home tonight and Gwenn will continue feeding through the ng-tube for at least 4-6 weeks, or until we hear that she has made significant weight gain and can remove it. If it turns out to be super long term, g-tube may be an option, but for now we'll just move forward... Keep on keepin' on...

So we'll do the feedings each night, and the tube stays in. She can go to school and gymnastics. And, we will have follow ups with the psychiatry unit at Children's, as well as the Feeding Therapists at Valley Medical.

The picture above is with Lambie, Gwenn's longest companion who is almost as much of a requirement as baba. Lambie has been to China and back two times, travelled all over the US, been thrown up on, peed on, and abused terribly. However, she has also been loved to pieces and is a nightly companion for the past 8 years. As Gwenn deals with things, so does Lambie.

Call us later tonight - we'll be home...

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