Friday, March 16, 2007

Heart Babies

Yesterday I found out that Love Without Boundaries has a couple of critically ill babies in need of immediate heart surgeries. One in particular on their website - Mu - has the same heart defect that Lucy does - VSD. As of yesterday she was still $1080 short of affording the surgery. Well, I went to my OES Chapter last night, and they agreed to fund $100 towards her surgery. In addition, I'm going to send $300 that my work will match (thanks to all for supporting - you know who you are) and that will get $700 of the $1080 that is needed!

This morning I phoned in to LWB and found out that they had found someone for the last $380 of the funds - and have scheduled Mu for her surgery! I'm thrilled that we were able to help out, but I keep watching the other kiddos on the list.

Still needing help is Baby Niu who also is in urgent need of heart surgery - for VSD and outflow valve stenosis... She needs just about $3885 left in sponsorship to help fund her surgery. So - now I'm off trying to see if we can find the sponsorship to fund her heart surgery. There is a lot of need - but if we can find a way to assist with the urgent needs, hopefully we'll keep these kiddos alive until they are placed with their forever families!

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